Hi guys, I've been doing nails since 2008 and it's been my love affair ever since. Since 2018 I'm also an instructor, I was an instructor at Nail Artist for 2 years, then I found Kristyl and now I'm part of the nailstyle.hu team. I actively salon 6 days a week, so I think I can credibly help you with the latest techniques and salon tricks. If I want to relax, I'm sure I'm building something really extreme or I'm competing, I've managed to stand on the top step of the podium several times at Hungarian Championships and I've also achieved first place at international competitions.
Miből is tevődik össze egy szolgáltatás ára? Hogyan árazd be a szolgáltatásaidat úgy, hogy minden kötelező fizetnivalót , a munkabéredet és még öngondoskodást is fedezzen.