Hi, I'm Evelin Nagy, I'm a hand care and nail technician from Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary since 2017. I worked as an employee for a while, as a beginner I was very grateful that I was hired immediately after my trial day. Before the OKJ I had never held a brush, I had never done a gel polish, I didn't even know the concept of porcelain powder. After a few weeks I fell in love with the profession. It soon became clear that I had a flair for decorating. In the 6-day working schedule I managed to acquire enough routine, to improve myself and to reduce the time intervals between work processes. I was always enthusiastic, I woke up motivated every day, looking forward to the challenges ahead. Then it wasn't enough, I wanted more. I didn't want to grow old in the usual 'red gel polish in an hour' salon. So the name CreatEve came about, a reference to creativity. I've always strived for uniqueness. I've been in business since the end of 2017. I opened my own salon in October 2018, where I still work today. I wanted a cozy, modern little nail nook where my clients could get what they can't get anywhere else. I strive to always stay on top of the latest trends and technical expectations, with a wide range of decorative accessories and a huge selection of colours. All this regardless of brand.
I have taken nearly 50 continuing education courses, in group, individual and online courses. I have been through many different types, kinds, types and subjects of training, so I have found out what my strengths and weaknesses are, where I can and need to improve. This is what drives me forward.
More and more professional colleagues are coming on the scene, so you have to strive to stand out from the crowd, to be humble, to invest time, energy and money, because an investment will pay off.
I love to compete and get out of my comfort zone, to create something out of the ordinary. You can gain a lot of experience in the racing world that you can use in your salon work. It motivated me at first, and then I found myself drawn to creating something out of the ordinary. Sometimes it took several days to complete a job, sometimes I had to start from scratch. Of course there were low points. But then you just keep getting better and better. The online competitions were the first competitions, where the time it took to complete the work didn't matter. I practised for weeks before I got the perfect set for me. I came up with new techniques, colour combinations and embellishments. The pressure of the competition, the excitement of being on the spot is priceless, you find yourself performing under stress, it can only benefit you in every way. My results : 2022 Los Angeles, Beauty Tournament, Phone case PRO, II. 2nd place StudioFlash Nail Artists Carnival, Salon category, 2nd place 2021 Nailympia (Nail Olympics) : Nail polish manicure, Silver medal (2nd place), OMC Hungarian Championship, Salon category, 2nd place, OMC Hungarian Championship, Extreme category, 2nd place, Nail Artists Hungarian Cup, Poster III place, VII. Matyó cup Mezőkövesd, Tipbox Mixed Media, 1st place, Nail Artists Hungarian Cup, Gel polish category, 2nd place, Tipbox Mixed Media, 3rd place 2019 StudioFlash II. Place, StudioFlash Nail Artists Hungarian Nail Artists Hungarian Nail Artists Championship, Poster Photo Championship, Public Award, V. Niiza online autumn nail decoration competition, Special Prize, Brillbird online spring competition: Special Prize, VI. Niiza online nail decoration competition, Special Prize.
Currently I am also involved in online teaching in addition to competing and salon work. If you want to stand out from the crowd, learn with me! CreatEve Nails - as in 'creative', uniqueness, imagination, inventiveness. That's what I try to motivate the colleagues I teach to dare to be special! I try to pass on this knowledge in the best way I can.