In this second module, I will show you what gels can be used and how to handle them. All three nails can be prepared quickly, so you may want to include them in your nail services. I will show you in a practical way how to strengthen your own nails with gel using a self-draining, transparent, soft gel. This nail doesn't need to be filed, so this workflow can be tweaked. I then apply a one-colour gel polish directly onto this surface using a non-woven technique. For the second nail, I will build an almond shaped nail using a form technique with a nude coloured construction gel in one step. For this nail, I'll show you the hand filing, in case someone prefers this shaping the most. The third nail will be built using a hybrid template in a cube shape. I will also introduce the pudding gel, which I recommend for those who don't like soft materials. This nail will be made in a curved cube shape. I'll introduce the machine filing, which will cut down the nail making time even more. I will cover this nail with a no-fix colour gel.
I constantly highlight what can be used to speed up the work pace!
To whom I recommend this training series:
The modules of the education series are built on top of each other, but the modules can also be completed separately. Within the modules, I divided the training into lessons, so that the education can be viewed more practically. If you need repetition, you don't have to search for the part you want to watch again in a long video, but you can simply choose the lesson in which you feel your shortcomings.
Whichever module you complete, I recommend that you also complete module 1! If you can't apply a template well or prepare it perfectly, then the beautiful manicure loses its meaning. No matter how beautiful it is, if it is not durable, my artificial nails will break off or become airy.
Bachelor's degree recommended (OKJ in Hungary)!
Nagyon jó volt! Köszönöm🤩 Hol fogom megtalálni az oklevelet?
Szuper képzés egy szuper oktatóval. Imádom Szilvit érthetően magyaráz, szerintem a körmös szakma egyik legjobb oktatója. 💝
Nagyon nagyon szuper volt, nagyon örülök, hogy rátaláltam az oldalra. És alig várom, hogy az összest elvégezzem :D
Nagyon köszönöm!!! Én csak amatőr szinten tanulok nálad. 5 éve csinálgatom magamnak és akárhogy nézegettem mit is hogyan kell, hogy jó legyen eddig itt találtam a leghasznosabb tippeket tanácsokat technikat!!! Biztos, hogy ezek után jobban fog menni.
Nagyon sokat tanultam! Mindent teljesen érthetően mondott el Szílvi! Biztos vissza térő leszek! Köszönöm a lehetőséget!
Nagyon szuper !
Koszonom szepen!😊
Nagyon tetszik a tananyag, jól van elmagyarázva, hogy mit miért. Tökéletes szalon technika tananyag :)
szuper köszönöm
Hasznos modul volt! Egyre jobban érdekelnek a színes zselék, valahogy lassan jobban, mint a géllakkok... xD A frézer pedig nagyon elnyerte a tetszésemet, úgyhogy rendelni fogok. Sablonozásból is okosabb lettem, úgyhogy köszönöm!
Sziasztok, nagyon szeretem ezeket az oktatásokat. Csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek.
In this tutorial, I will not only show you this type of dry manicure, because a beautiful gel polish requires proper removal techniques and the application of a new set. Finally, we will finish the training with a streng
In this module, you will acquire the theoretical knowledge you will need for your nail art. This training will also be useful for you if you do not want to do the whole series, but only one or two modules.
With this package you'll get the professional basics, all in a way that not only helps you prepare for the exam, but will also get you ready for salon work. I'll show you how to work fast!
With these 5 modules, you're sure to have success in the salon, as you'll get a very solid foundation. From stenciling, manicures to various gel build-ups.
Be confident in the salon when it comes to nail art, manicures and gel polish!
In this module, you will acquire the theoretical knowledge you will need for your nail art. This training will also be useful for you if you do not want to do the whole series, but only one or two modules.
I present 3 different and quick, simple techniques, from which you can choose the one you like best.
In this training we will learn one of the most important work processes in salon work, the filling of the nails themselves. I will also introduce you to the world of acrylic gel, which is used to make the correction of the arm.
4 techniques, 2 modern forms. Quick, simple and essential techniques for salon work are presented.
There are lots of exciting techniques waiting for you in this training! You'll learn 4 nail techniques, including the popular raspless technique. We will go through the ins and outs of acrylic gel from theory to practice
Porcelain is finally not MUMUS! 12 lessons are available, so you can decide how much you want to do porcelain at a professional level. One thing is for sure! After the training everyone will be able to build porcelain nails at a basic level.
Create beautiful and long-lasting nails yourself without stenciling and shaping! With the revolutionary GEL TIP nail building technique, it's almost as easy to build false nails as it is to just apply gel polish.
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