Ha szemezgetsz a sablonmentes építéssel akkor itt a helyed, mert ez az egyik legegyszerűbb alternatív műkörömépítése technika!
Nem fogsz csalódni, hiszen
✅ 2 féle módon is bemutatom a lencse készítését
✅ 2 körmöt is meg fogunk építeni ezzel a technikával
✅ egy kis díszítést is belecsempésztem az oktatásba
😎 Ha igazi fanatikus vagy, aki szomjazza a tudást, akkor tanulj velem! Ez a tanfolyam neked szól!
Bónusz tipp: Ez a technika megoldás lehet azoknak a vendégeidnek, akik rágják a körmeiket!
Learn 3 different techniques with 3 different gel materials to shorten your salon time.
In this training we will learn one of the most important work processes in salon work, the filling of the nails themselves. I will also introduce you to the world of acrylic gel, which is used to make the correction of the arm.
Create beautiful and long-lasting nails yourself without stenciling and shaping! With the revolutionary GEL TIP nail building technique, it's almost as easy to build false nails as it is to just apply gel polish.
One of the most important parts of nail art is the filing technique, but without a good base, it's worthless. We will learn the correct forming, building and filing.
Hi! We have all encountered a problem with a circular guest, but often we don't know how to deal with it!? There is a solution!
In the video I demonstrate the wonder simplicity of reverse tip construction with poly gel on a glitter baby boomer nail.
Learn this super technique to build flawless nails very easily and quickly!
I will teach you two exciting reverse tip nails with decorations. Come and enjoy the variety!
I will use half Reverse tip to make a base layer and teach the Reverse tip built-in French.
Glass fibre instead of stenciling! It's quicker, easier and stronger.
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