Learn how to paint 5 beautiful spring flowers in this tutorial. These flowers are painted using gel varnishes, so no special, coloured gel materials are needed for this lesson. All you need is some coloured gel varnish, a light gel and a contouring material. The flowers can be painted relatively quickly after practice, so they can be incorporated into salon work!
Learn 3 different techniques with 3 different gel materials to shorten your salon time.
With a combined machine manicure, I'll show you how you can work in a way that's fast and still give your guest a long-lasting, beautiful, damage-free job even if they just want a simple manicure.
In this course you will learn how to shade flowers with gel varnish and how to create more complex petals.
In this video you will learn easy to master flower designs for beginners.
Gel lacquer painting, shading, contouring in one video!
In this course you will learn 5 beautiful flowers from simple to more complex. The technique itself is very simple and cost-effective, as all you need are coloured gel varnishes except for the outline.
I've prepared two complete tutorials for you to learn many, many decorating techniques that require nothing but gel polish.
I've prepared two complete tutorials for you to learn many, many decorating techniques that require nothing more than gel polish.
Realistic, 3D-effect fruits painted with gel polish. Although not beginner-level instruction, thanks to the detailed explanations, every student is guaranteed a successful experience!
Let's paint cut fruit halves together with gel varnishes!
I have included this tutorial as a last summer sample so that you can surprise your guests with new things in August!
The sequel is here! Here are 5 more flowers you can learn to make with Sylvie!
Learn how to paint charm from Szilvi Balázsi in this completely free class!
Kezd 2025-öt egy új körmös tanfolyammal, amivel 5 gyönyörű tavaszi virágot tanulhatsz meg festőzselé felhasználásával.
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